Install / Uninstall Cockpit Web Console in Navy Linux 8

cockpit is not installed by default with minimal release of Navy Linux, and you can install it on your system by using the command below, which will install the cockpit with its required dependencies.

Install cockpit

Cockpit is a server administration web console, focused on providing a modern-looking and user-friendly interface to manage Navy Linux servers

yum update -y
yum install cockpit -y
Enable and start the cockpit.socket
systemctl start cockpit.socket
systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
Web console login
Localhost: https://localhost:9090
Remotely as server’s IP address: https://<IP-addres-here>:9090

Uninstall cockpit

Uninstall/Remove cockpit from Navy Linux

systemctl stop cockpit
rpm -e cockpit-system
rpm -e cockpit-bridge
rpm -e cockpit-ws
rm -rf /run/cockpit
rm -rf /etc/cockpit
rm -rf /usr/share/cockpit
rm -rf /var/lib/selinux/targeted/active/modules/100/cockpit
rm -rf /usr/share/selinux/targeted/default/active/modules/100/cockpit


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